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Emphasis - Pharmacology

M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences


The M.S. in pharmaceutical sciences can be completed with an emphasis in environmental toxicology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, or pharmacy administration.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 31

Course Requirements

Requirements for each emphasis area are given in the respective program description sections. Each emphasis area requires students to complete a minimum of 24 semester hours of course work and 6 hours of thesis.

Emphasis - Pharmacology


The M.S. in pharmaceutical sciences with emphasis in pharmacology involves the study of the interaction of drugs, chemicals, and physical agents with biological systems and their constituent parts.

Course Requirements

The M.S. in pharmaceutical sciences with emphasis in pharmacology or toxicology requires the core courses listed below, as well as at least 6 thesis hours. In addition, students are expected to enroll in the Pharmacology Seminar (Phcl 643) each semester. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree in pharmacy, toxicology, chemistry, biological science, psychology or a related field are eligible to apply for admission to the graduate program. Undergraduate course prerequisites include physiology, biochemistry or cell biology, advanced mathematics (level of calculus), and organic chemistry.

Graduate Course Requirements 1. Introduction to Pharmacology I (Phcl 563), 4 hours; 2. Principles of Life Science Research (Phcl 501), 1 hour; 3. Quantitative Methods in Psychology 1 (603) or equivalent, 3 hours; 4. General Principles of Pharmacology and Toxicology I (Phcl 675), 4 hours; 5. Physiological Chemistry (Phcl 669), 4 hours; 6. Advanced Physiology (Phcl 661), 4 hours; 7. Directed Studies in Pharmacology and Toxicology (Phcl 651), 1 hour; 8. Teaching in Pharmacology and Toxicology (Phcl 611, 612), 1 hour, 1 hour; 9. Seminar: Current Topics in Pharmacology and Toxicology (Phcl 643), 4 hours; 10. Thesis (Phcl 697), 6 hours.

Other Academic Requirements

An experimental research project and thesis in the area of pharmacology or toxicology is required.

Degree Requirements

The academic regulations for this degree program, as entered in the University of Mississippi Catalog, are in effect for the current or selected academic year and semester. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change rules for registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time.

M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Requirement Hours Description
Select an emphasis Student must enroll in one of the M.S. in Pharamecuetical Sciences emphasis areas: medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, environmental toxicology, pharmacy administration or pharmacology/toxicology,
GPA requirements A cumulative average of not less than 3.0 (B) must be achieved in all graduate work taken.
Pharmacy Dean's approval This Degree Audit program is an advising tool only. The dean's office will make the final certification that the student qualifies for graduation. The dean's office will also determine if other university or school requirements (GPA, etc.) have been met.

Emphasis - Pharmacology

Requirement Hours Description
Phcl 501 - C min 1 Complete Phcl 501 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 563 - C min 4 Complete Phcl 563 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 611 1 Complete Phcl 611.
Phcl 612 1 Complete Phcl 612.
Phcl 643 4 Student must complete at least 4 semester hours of Phcl 643 (seminar).
Phcl 651 - C min 1 Complete Phcl 651 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 661 - C min 4 Complete 661 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 669 - C min 4 Complete Phcl 669 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 675 - C min 4 Complete Phcl 675 with a grade of C or better.
Phcl 697 6 Complete at least 6 hours of thesis (Phcl 697).
Psy 603 - C min 3 Complete Psy 603 with a grade of C or better.
Submit Thesis Student must submit a thesis to his/her GPC/Chair. Regulations governing the style, format, paper, abstract and other matters may be found in "A Manual of Thesis and Dissertations" available in the Graduate School Office. After the oral examination has been accepted, the student must present to the Graduate School two unbound copies of the thesis. A copy of the abstract and the thesis binding fee receipt must accompany the copies of the thesis.
Thesis defense Student must orally defend his/her thesis.
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.