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BMS 474: Pandemics and Society


The recent outbreaks of an infectious novel coronavirus, across international boundaries, is the latest example of a pandemic disease. Throughout history, pandemics have had significant impacts on global morbidity and mortality, and have reshaped societies. While the impacts of COVID-19 on society as a whole are still emerging, immediate health care responses have been hampered by poor information and/or misinformation. The elective course "Pandemics & Society" is designed to provide pharmacy students with the requisite knowledge of pandemics that they might be effective health care providers under those conditions. Specific objectives include: 1) student familiarity with epidemiology, 2) understanding routes of transmission, 3) recognition of political versus biomedical discourse, and, 4) risk assessment/mitigation of pandemics.

2 Credits


  • Pre-requisite: P2 or P3 Classification.

Instruction Type(s)

  • Lecture: Lecture for BMS 474

Subject Areas

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