- C E 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering I
- C E 102: Introduction to Civil Engineering II
- C E 103: Introduction to Civil Engineering Lab
- C E 206: Introduction to Surveying
- C E 207: Surveying
- C E 208: Civil Engineering Graphics I
- C E 301: Environmental and Water Resources Lab
- C E 302: Mechanics Laboratory
- C E 303: Materials Laboratory
- C E 307: Civil Engineering Laboratory I
- C E 310: Introduction to Structural Mechanics
- C E 315: Civil Engineering Materials
- C E 325: Intermediate Mechanics
- C E 371: Intro to Environmental Engineering
- C E 402: Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- C E 407: Civil Engineering Laboratory II
- C E 411: Structural Analysis
- C E 412: Structural Design I
- C E 413: Structural Design II
- C E 416: Bridge Engineering
- C E 417: Construction Engineering and Management
- C E 431: Soil Mechanics I
- C E 433: Foundation Engineering
- C E 452: Civil Engineering Analysis
- C E 454: Engineering Design I
- C E 455: Civil Engineering Design I
- C E 456: Civil Engineering Design II
- C E 471: Environmental Engineering
- C E 472: Environmental Water Resources
- C E 481: Transportation Engineering I
- C E 497: Civil Engineering Projects
- C E 500: Geographic Information Systems Engr Sci
- C E 511: Structural Analysis II
- C E 513: Advanced Steel Design
- C E 514: Design Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures
- C E 516: Bridge Engineering
- C E 521: Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- C E 531: Soil Mechanics II
- C E 536: Designing with Geosynthetics
- C E 541: Flow in Open Channels
- C E 542: Flow in Porous Media
- C E 543: Sediment Transport
- C E 561: Civil Engineering Systems
- C E 570: Infrastructure Management
- C E 572: Stormwater Engineering and Management
- C E 574: Wastewater Engineering
- C E 575: Drinking Water Engineering
- C E 578: Agricultural Conservation for Eng & Sci
- C E 581: Transportation Engineering II
- C E 585: Highway Pavements
- C E 590: Airport Planning and Design
- Engr 541: Foundations of Nano Engineering and Sci
- Engr 547: Characterization MethodsforNanomaterials
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.