Civil Engineering, General
- C E 101: Introduction to Civil Engineering I
- C E 102: Introduction to Civil Engineering II
- C E 103: Introduction to Civil Engineering Lab
- C E 206: Introduction to Surveying
- C E 207: Surveying
- C E 208: Civil Engineering Graphics I
- C E 302: Mechanics Laboratory
- C E 303: Materials Laboratory
- C E 307: Civil Engineering Laboratory I
- C E 315: Civil Engineering Materials
- C E 325: Intermediate Mechanics
- C E 371: Intro to Environmental Engineering
- C E 407: Civil Engineering Laboratory II
- C E 411: Structural Analysis
- C E 412: Structural Design I
- C E 413: Structural Design II
- C E 417: Construction Engineering and Management
- C E 431: Soil Mechanics I
- C E 433: Foundation Engineering
- C E 452: Civil Engineering Analysis
- C E 454: Engineering Design I
- C E 455: Civil Engineering Design I
- C E 456: Civil Engineering Design II
- C E 471: Environmental Engineering
- C E 472: Environmental Water Resources
- C E 481: Transportation Engineering I
- C E 497: Civil Engineering Projects
- C E 511: Structural Analysis II
- C E 514: Design Pre-Stressed Concrete Structures
- C E 521: Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- C E 531: Soil Mechanics II
- C E 541: Flow in Open Channels
- C E 542: Flow in Porous Media
- C E 543: Sediment Transport
- C E 561: Civil Engineering Systems
- C E 570: Infrastructure Management
- C E 581: Transportation Engineering II
- C E 585: Highway Pavements
- C E 590: Airport Planning and Design
- Engr 537: Environmental Engineering II
- Engr 540: Environmental Organic Transport Phenomen
- Engr 572: Advanced Sanitary Analysis
- Engr 573: Environmental Remediation
- Engr 585: Mechanics of Composite Materials I
- Engr 590: Finite Element Analysis I
- Engr 617: Continuum Mechanics
- Engr 630: Unit Process & Oper in Env Eng I
- Engr 631: Unit Process & Oper in Env Eng II
- Engr 632: Sludge Treatment and Disposal
- Engr 634: Treatment & Disposal of Industrial Waste
- Engr 636: Groundwater Mechanics
- Engr 637: Groundwater Modeling
- Engr 638: Hazardous Waste Management
- Engr 639: Environmental Systems Engineering
- Engr 645: Contaminant Transport
- Engr 647: Pavement Management Systems
- Engr 649: Advanced Foundation Engineering
- Engr 671: Elasticity
- Engr 672: Viscoelasticity
- Engr 673: Plasticity
- Engr 674: Fracture Mechanics
- Engr 677: Plates and Shells
- Engr 678: Elasticstability
- Engr 690: Finite Element Analysis II
- Engr 696: Seminar in Environmental Engineering
- Engr 702: Finite Element Analysis of Fluid Flows
- Engr 706: Adv Waste Treat Proc in Sanitary Eng
- Engr 711: Turbulence
- Engr 712: Statistical Theory Turbulent Diffusion
- Engr 713: Hydrodynamic Stability
- Engr 714: Coastal Hydrodynamics
- Engr 715: Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics I
- Engr 716: Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics II
- Engr 749: Special Topics in Soil Science
- Engr 779: Special Topics in Solid Mechanics
- M E 404: Applied Fluid Mechanics
- M E 421: Structural Analysis
- M E 422: Structural Design I
- M E 540: Failure Analysis
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.