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Admission Policies

Pre-Business Program - The B.B.A. curriculum consists of a two-year pre- business program plus a two-year major program. Students must meet all requirements for general admission to the university to enter the pre- business program. Students who score 21 or below on the mathematics subscore of the ACT will be required to earn a grade of C or better in Math 121-College Algebra, or its equivalent, in addition to successfully completing the other mathematics requirements in the pre-business program.

Business Major Program - To be admitted into one of the nine major programs, a student must successfully complete the pre-business program or its equivalent (for those students transferring to the university from another institution) and apply to the School of Business Administration for admission into one of the business major programs. Admission will be granted to those students who have earned a grade- point average of at least 2.0 on the courses listed in the pre-business program. Admissions forms, answers to frequently asked questions related to admissions, and additional information can be found on the school’s Web site.

Transfer Students - Students transferring into Ole Miss before their junior year are required to have successfully completed courses equivalent to those included in the pre-business curriculum and must apply for admission into one of the school’s nine major degree programs prior to enrolling in upper-division business courses.

Academic Regulations

Program Completion Requirements

Credit Hours and Residence - Minimum total: 124 semester hours. Students must complete at least one-half of their business and accountancy courses at The University of Mississippi, including 30 hours at the 300 level or above in business, economics, or accountancy.

General Education Core Curriculum

The general education/core curriculum requirements for the B.B.A. programs are given in the requirements section for each major.

College/School-wide Degree Requirements

Maximum Load - No student may enroll for more than 18 semester hours exclusive of exercise and leisure activity courses, and basic air, military, or naval science courses unless the student has earned the privilege of taking additional work by an exceptional record of grades during the preceding semester. For each additional semester hour of work taken, the student must have a grade-point average for the preceding semester two-fifths (0.4) of a grade point higher than 2.0.


Undergraduate Student Services and Academic Advising - The School of Business Administrationís undergraduate academic advising program is an essential part of the undergraduate educational experience. Academic counselors help undergraduate students understand the options and opportunities for academic programs of study, degree requirements, and course selection. Academic counselors will engage students in meaningful relationships designed to support and encourage a challenging and successful undergraduate education. Students will prepare for, and participate fully in, their advising experience. Each student is responsible for monitoring his or her academic progress toward degree completion.

Honor Code Policy

Academic Integrity - The School of Business Administration upholds honor and academic integrity in all of its teaching, research, and service activities. All business faculty, staff, and students are charged with the responsibility to behave with personal and professional integrity and to refrain from dishonorable conduct.

The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.