B.S.E.S. in Exercise Science


The B.S.E.S. degree program is designed for students entering allied health and fitness professions. With the degree, careers as health and fitness directors within private, municipal, corporate, and hospital- based fitness and health promotion centers are available. Students completing the B.S. degree often continue their education in exercise science, physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, and other health- related graduate programs.

Minimum Total Credit Hours: 124

General Education Requirements

The general education/core requirements for this degree include Engl 101, Engl 102 or Liba 102 (6 hours); literature (3 hours); history (6 hours); fine arts (3 hours); additional course in literature, humanities, or fine arts (3 hours); speech (3 hours); social science selected from among Econ, Pol, Psy, or Soc (3 hours); Math 121 and Math 123 (6 hours); Bisc 102/103 or 160/161 (4 hours); Bisc 206 and 207 (8 hours); Chem 103/113 or 105/115 (4 hours); Phys 211/221 or 213/223 (4 hours); general electives to bring total number of hours to a minimum of 124.

Course Requirements

Requirements for the B.S.E.S. include core courses HP 191 and 203, ES 100, 338, 346, 348, 349, 391, 440, 446, 447, 456, 457, 473 or 493; and professional electives (12 hours) to be chosen from ES 402, ES 394, FCS 311, HP 303, ES 490, ES 471/Mgmt 371/PRM 471, ES 351/Psy 202/Math 115, or HP 312.

Other Academic Requirements

Majors must achieve a 2.5 GPA in the exercise science core.

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