- ASL 111: Intensive Elem American Sign Language
- ASL 211: Intensive Interme American Sign Language
- ASL 311: Advanced American Sign Language
- ASL 400: American Sign Language Interpreting I
- ASL 401: American Sign Language Interpreting II
- ASL 402: American Sign Language Interpreting Prac
- CD 201: Introduction to Communicative Disorders
- CD 205: Anatomy and Physiology
- CD 211: Intro to Phonology
- CD 216: Normal Development of Communication
- CD 301: Disorders of Articulation
- CD 316: Language and Learning Disorders
- CD 351: Basic Audiology
- CD 356: Principles of Auditory (Re)Habilitation
- CD 359: Manual Communication
- CD 401: Diagnostic Procedures
- CD 405: Fluency and Voice Disorders
- CD 421: Prog/Meth-Lang Disord
- CD 430: Practices in Audiology
- CD 452: Fund Spch & Hear Sci
- CD 495: Introduction to Clinical Science
- CD 496: Practicum
- CD 499: Senior Seminar
- CD 501: Survey of Communicative Disorders
- CD 505: Neurophysiology of Communication
- CD 506: Anat/Phys/Path Aud Sys
- CD 507: Fundamentals of Hearing Science
- CD 513: Speech Science
- CD 520: Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
- CD 521: Disorders of Fluency
- CD 522: Disorders of Voice
- CD 523: Phonological Disorders
- CD 524: Cleft Palate
- CD 526: Neurogenic Disorders of Language
- CD 531: Spec Problems in CD
- CD 532: Workshop in Communicative Disorders
- CD 541: Language Dev & Disorder in Preschool
- CD 551: Clinical Audiology
- CD 557: Educational Audiology
- CD 560: Manual Communication I
- CD 562: Mass Communication II
- CD 575: Audio Instru & Meas
- CD 591: Clinical Practicum in Audiology
- CD 592: Cl Sem/Speech-Lang Path
- CD 593: Clinical Seminar in Audiology
- CD 595: Graduate Practicum
- CD 601: Directed Study
- CD 605: Counseling Thry/Prac
- CD 612: Advanced Clinical Audiology
- CD 613: Rsch Design & Anal
- CD 615: Electrophysiologic Evaluation
- CD 616: Advanced Electrophysiologic Evaluation
- CD 620: Assessment and Treatment of Dysphagia
- CD 626: Aphasia
- CD 627: Neurogenic Disorders of Speech
- CD 630: Cerebral Palsy
- CD 631: Communication Changes in Aging
- CD 642: Lan De Dis School-Age
- CD 649: Pediatric Audiology
- CD 651: Aural Rehabilitation
- CD 653: Hearing Aids
- CD 654: Adv Amp Theory & Tech
- CD 657: Industrial Audiology
- CD 659: Seminar in Audiology
- CD 670: Cen Aud Proc
- CD 673: Perception of Speech
- CD 697: Thesis
- CSD 202: Statistics for CSD
- CSD 302: Research Methods for CSD
- CSD 303: Communication Deficits in Older Adults
- CSD 304: Introduction to Hearing Conservation
- CSD 360: Study USA ASHA Convention & Site
- CSD 455: Neuroanat & Neurophys of Speech & Hearin
- CSD 494: Honors Thesis I
- CSD 496: Honors Thesis II
- CSD 602: Assessment and Diagnosis
- CSD 606: Ethics and Human Subjects Research
- CSD 621: Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing
- CSD 643: Birth to Five
- CSD 644: Language and Literacy
- CSD 681: Professional Issues: Seminar I
- CSD 690: Prof. Ethics, Licensure, and Curr Trends
- CSD 691: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 692: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 693: Graduate Practicum
- CSD 694: Graduate Practicum
The policies and regulations contained in this online University of Mississippi Catalog are in effect for the current or selected semester. The catalog is not a contract, but rather a guide for the convenience of students. The University of Mississippi reserves the right to 1) change or withdraw courses; 2) change the fees, rules, and schedules for admission, registration, instruction, and graduation; and 3) change other regulations affecting the student body at any time. Implicit in each student’s enrollment with the university is an agreement to comply with university rules and regulations, which the university may modify to exercise properly its educational responsibility.