School of Journalism and New Media

Faculty in School of Journalism and New Media


John Ashley Baker

Instructional Associate Professor of Media and Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jabaker1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Zenebe Beyene

Associate Professor of Media and Communication and Coordinator of International Programs
114 Farley
University, MS 38677
beyene@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Graham Douglas Bodie

Professor of Media and Communication
129 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
gbodie@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Emily Bowen

Instructional Associate Professor of Media and Communication
114 Farley Hall
Oxford, MS 38655
ebowenm@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Brittanee Brown

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bawalla1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Ike Brunner

Instructional Assistant Professor of Social Media and Data Analytics
308 Longstreet Hall
University, MS 38677
ibrunner@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7147


Jason Anthony Cain

Associate Professor of Journalism
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jacain@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Kaitlin Cannava

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kecannav@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Bill Cassidy

Chair and Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bcassidy@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Loidha Castillo Bautista

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
lecastil@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Vanessa Charlot

Assistant Professor of Media and Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
vcharlot@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Chang-Won Choi

Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
cchoi@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Brad Conaway

Instructional Assistant Professor of Social Media and Data Analytics
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bconaway@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Bill Day

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
wrday2@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Mark Kenneth Dolan

Associate Professor of Journalism
134 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mdolan@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5397

Laura Donnelly

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
lpdonnel@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1319

Adam Durfee

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
ardurfee@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Michael Fagans

Associate Professor of Multimedia Journalism
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mfagans@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Sederia Gray

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
sederia@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Zach Gregory

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bzgregor@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Vanessa Gregory

Associate Professor of Journalism Instruction
223 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
vgregory@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7127


Claire Nelson Hick

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
cnelson@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Andrea Hickerson

Dean of the School of Journalism and New Media and Professor of Journalism
105 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
andreah@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Amy Honeycutt

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
aingram@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Ward Hubbell

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mwhubbel@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1319


Iveta Imre

Assistant Professor of Journalism
222 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
iimre@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Evangeline Wilson Ivy

Instructional Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
301 Longstreet Hall
University, MS 38677
ewivy@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5447

Timothy Allen Ivy

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
taivy@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Cynthia Lynne Joyce

Associate Professor of Journalism
School of Journalism and New Media, 17 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
cjoyce@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Michael Katz

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mlkatz@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

David Kellum

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
dkellum@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Ellen Leslie Kellum

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
elkellum@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Lauren Loyless

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
lhloyles@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Robert Gerald Magee

Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
rgmagee@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Shannon Magness

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
esmagnes@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Rashad Mammadov

Chair and Professor of Media and Communication
Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mammadov@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Jane Marcellus

Adjunct Instructional Associate Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jbmarcel@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Itzhak Mashiah

Visiting Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
imashiah@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Joshua Taylor McCoy

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jtmccoy@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Ellen Meacham

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
ebmeacha@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Charles D Mitchell

Associate Professor of Journalism
114 Farley, Journalism
University, MS 38677
cdmitch1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-8780

Rick Mize

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
rmize1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Bitt (Britt) Moon

Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bmoon@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

R.J. Morgan

Instructional Associate Professor and Director of Mississippi Scholastic Press Association
247 Overby Ctr
University, MS 38677
morgan@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-1692


Kate Newman

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kate@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Patricia Overstreet-Miller

Instructional Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley
University, MS 38677
hpoverst@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Scott Allen Pederson

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
sapeders@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Kelley Pinion

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
1 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kpinion@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Marti Powers

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mdpowers@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Janice Rubbert

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jrubbert@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Lareeca Denee Rucker

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
ldrucker@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Amanda Sams

Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
asbrads1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Darren A Sanefski

Associate Professor of Media and Communication
225 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
dasanefs@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Sarah Sapp

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
sarah@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Kevin John Seddon

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kjseddon@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Craig Seymour

Adjunct Instructional Associate Professor of Journalism Instruction
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
caseymou@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Brian Smith

Chair and Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
2 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
smithbg@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Marquita Smith

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Associate Professor of Media and Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38655
smithms@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Staci Smith

Visiting Assistant Professor of Media and Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
smithsb@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Chris Sparks

Instructional Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
224 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
ccsparks@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-8985

Alysia Steele

Associate Professor of Multiple Platform Journalism
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
alysia@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Bobby Steele

Instructional Associate Professor of Branding and Promotion
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
bdsteele@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-2574

Melanie Stone

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
mstone2@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Ty Stude

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
tlstude@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Kristen Alley Swain

Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
135 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kaswain@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7637


John Michael Tonos

Instructional Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
215 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jmtonos@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Nathan Towery

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
natowery@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Anna Grace Usery

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
agusery@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Summer Anne Hill Vinson

Instructional Assistant Professor of Journalism Instruction
Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
sahill1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Debora Rae Wenger

Professor of Journalism
drwenger@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Rachel West

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing and Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
ramalon2@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Danianese Jaushalyn Woods

Adjunct Instructional Assistant Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
djwoods5@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146

Emeritus Faculty


Joseph B Atkins

Professor Emeritus of Journalism
128 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
jbatkins@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5510


Nancy McKenzie Dupont

Professor of Journalism Emerita
ndupont@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5396


Deborah Woodrick Hall

Instructional Emeritus Associate Professor of Integrated Marketing Communication
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
dmhall@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Lynnette Y Johnson

Deputy Athletic Director Emeritia-Sports and Adminsitration
114 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
lys@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7146


Patricia Thompson

Assistant Dean Emeritia for Student Media and Assistant Professor of Journalism / Executive Director, ACEJMC
201 Bishop Hall
University, MS 38677
pthomps1@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5504


Kathleen W Wickham

Professor Emeritus of Journalism
131 Farley Hall
University, MS 38677
kwickham@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-5501

Curtis Carter Wilkie

Associate Professor of Journalism Emeritus
308 Honors College
University, MS 38677
cwilkie@olemiss.eduUM Profile
1 (662) 915-7294

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